Sagvan Chowmeins/Noodles!!!

Today I Made Noodles recipe with Carrot, Peas,Cabbage, along with spices and Beans.And This is Chinese Style Chowmeins


Noodles 1 1/2 cup
Carrot 1/4 cup
Cabbage 1/4 cup
Peas 1/4 cup
Beans 1/4 cup
So ya Sauce 1 tbsp
ChilliGarlic Sauce 1 tbsp
Tomato Sauce 1/2 cup
Cornflour 1 tsp(Mix with Some Water)
Salt To taste


  1. Boil enough water with two teaspoon of oil & one tbsp salt in a big vessel. Add noodles into boiling water. Simmer the gas for 5 minutes.
  2. Then drain the hot water, wash the noodles in running water, drain, add some more oil, & keep it aside.
  3. Take a flat bottomed pan, pour little oil into it, add Beans, carrot,Peas and shallow fry them. Similarly add finely shredded cabbage , then add ChilliGarlic Sauce & saute it.
  4. And Add salt, so ya sauce & tomato sauce, finely add Noodles ,Cornflour Mixture and mix it thoroughly.
  5. In this manner, cook the noodles & vegetables. Put it in a bowl, if needed add some more Tomato Sauce and serve hot.


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